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Sourcing Sustainably(3)

How to Make a Seafood Platter

2024-01-30 00:19:06
Sourcing Sustainably
Tide-to-table freshness is a grocery list option this holiday season. Enticing spreads start with the most sustainable options at Sobeys seafood counter.

Sustainable Seafood: Ocean Wise Wisdom

2023-06-05 14:52:19
Sourcing Sustainably
Looking for a smart seafood option? Ocean Wise can help you navigate the sea of sustainable seafood.

Why go bananas for Fairtrade?

2022-03-28 01:03:26
Sourcing Sustainably
We're doing OurPart™ to secure a better deal for farmers and workers through a Fairtrade commitment to better living standards, conditions and wages, which co...
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